
This week’s Recommendation Morning Brew

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Like 5 Things, but wish you could get the news daily? Well, with The Morning Brew (one of my multiple daily news sources) you can have the news delivered to your inbox every morning. They bring you the business news of the day in a light, entertaining manner. You can be smarter in just 5 minutes! Click here to subscribe to the Morning Brew! 

Previous Recommendations:

Need 2 Know


Do you wish you could get the headlines of the day delivered to you every morning? Need 2 Know gives you a the headline and short summary of 10 headlines every day covering politics, sports, business, tech, and pop culture. This daily email also gives you links to full articles and sometimes sassy comments, pictures, or GIFs.



There are only a few shows on Netflix that I have actually watched all the way through. Two (Parks and Recreation & The West Wing) have already had their day in the sun as a recommendation. Today, it is the timeless classic Friends. There are so many hilarious one-liners and heartfelt moments throughout the series. Also, I recently had a conversation with someone about would be incredibly different if it happened today. The show takes place in a simpler world when friends simply chatted over coffee instead of being attached to their smartphones. If you have never seen it and are looking for a new Netflix show, you should check it out.


10 years of buildup has finally led to this. When Iron Man kicked off the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), there was huge anticipation to see many of our favorite characters come together for Avengers. The most recent Marvel movies have made us accustomed to seeing multiple superheros in the same movie. But, Avengers Infinity War brings together all the superheros from the last 10 years to save the world. My inner 12 year old is jumping for joy. That is what makes these movies great. There are moments that should make the little kid inside of you cheer. So, if anyone is looking for me on Sunday, I will be eagerly soaking in every moment of what has been teased fort he last 10 years.

Fantastic Mr. Fox


Roald Dahl’s classic story Fantastic Mr. Fox was brought to life on the big screen by Wes Anderson. If you don’t know Wes Anderson (as I didn’t) he has an incredibly distinct style that once you see, you’ll never be able to not see. It has a star-studded case including George Clooney, Bill Murray, Meryl Streep, Michael Gambon, Owen Wilson, and Willem Dafoe. The story has some goofy humor, fascinating visuals, and intricate design work.

(For more on the intricate design work watch the short featurette below. Then, after you go spend 87 minutes enjoying the film, spend a little more time watching the “Everything Great About” video below. It includes a more detailed explanation of Anderson’s style, some of the humor you might have missed, and some broader themes from the story!)  









Marketplace is a great podcast for you to see how the news of the day is impacting the business world. The podcast is describes itself as “your liaison between economics and life.” The 20-30 minute daily podcast hosted by Kai Ryssdal explains current events and their impact on everyday life in simple and digestible segments.

The Sandlot


This classic baseball movie is about to celebrate its 25th anniversary in April. Whether you remember the line, “You’re killing me Smalls!” or “The Great Bambino” there is something everyone will love. As you can see above, few Milwaukee Brewers players got together and reenacted a scene from the movie with a special guest appearance from Hank as the Beast.


WPR Politics


Since Wisconsin was bumped out of our headlines this week, it still deserved a shout out! The Wisconsin Public Radio (WPR) Politics Podcast is here to help. WPR Politics wades through the news to sift out what you need to know that week in Wisconsin. If you want to learn more about what is going on in this great state (especially on the politics/government side of things) check out this podcast!

The Phantom Tollbooth


This wonderful book leads the main protagonist, Milo, on a journey through the Kingdom of Wisdom. “The text is full of puns and wordplay, such as when Milo unintentionally jumps to Conclusions, an island in Wisdom, thus exploring the literal meanings of idioms.” Milo seeks to restore Rhyme and Reason and meets people such as the King of Dictionopolis, Tock the Dog who ticks, and the Symphony of Color. Enjoy!

National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day!


How can I not support my favorite food’s national holiday? First of all, I love obscure and wacky holidays like this day. Secondly, I LOVE PEANUT BUTTER! It can be used with some many things: PB&J, on toast, with honey, with apple slices, as ants on a log, bellyachers, scotcharoos, cookies, Reese’s, and so many other wonderful things. Also, the perfect PB&J includes: whole wheat bread, creamy peanut butter, and strawberry jam. Where do you fall on the creamy and crunchy debate? Or the perfect PB&J debate?

Eisenhower’s Box


In honor of President’s Day, I want to share some of President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s wisdom. The above matrix can help you prioritize your life. You can place things within the matrix by determining if they are important and urgent, important and not urgent, not important and urgent, or not important and not urgent. The important but not urgent usually contains the most fruitful things in life like prayer, exercise, calling loved ones, spending time with family and friends, etc. However, since they do feel urgent we frequently let these things slip through the cracks. You might yourself living in the not urgent and not important quadrant of television, social media, gossip, etc. I urge you to make time for the important but not urgent things, namely by cutting some of the not urgent and not important things in life.

Ben Rector

People frequently ask about your favorite things as an icebreaker. I struggle with these because it is hard to pinpoint something that I would choose over all others. Ben Rector would certainly be the closest I would come to a favorite. He has a fun, passionate, and human sound to his music. I can’t help but sing along and smile when I hear his music. Check him out!

Miracle/Cool Runnings












Two teams that were never thought to have a chance. Two teams that became a success. Cool Runnings is loosely based on a story about the Jamaican bobsled team that will leave you laughing the whole way through. Miracle is an inspiring true story of the 1980 USA hockey team winning the game dubbed “the miracle on ice.”

Trivia by Pat26907403_416632335433672_2562788732628535025_n

Trivia nights have exploded across the country in recent years. My good friend, Pat, hosts some of the best Trivia Nights around! Not only does he regularly host trivia, but he posts daily trivia on his Facebook page every day as well! Check it out!

 The Count of Monte Cristo


The Dumas classic is also an incredible movie starring Jim Caviezel as well as a young Henry Cavill (Man of Steel). I recently rewatched the 2002 film and am reading the novel for the first time. A synopsis from Google: “The classic story of an innocent man wrongly, but deliberately imprisoned and his brilliant strategy for revenge against those who betrayed him.” The film hits on themes of justice, mercy, revenge, and peace. It is a wonderful story!



This show is my guilty pleasure. Tony and Mike are just like two guys bantering back and forth in a bar. They are passionate and emotional about topics. They have people they consider “ya boy.” They have their fun taglines. And they fact check themselves at the end of every show to ensure their arguments are valid. It is entertaining, provocative, and so much fun. Check it out on ESPN every weekday or on their podcast!

The West Wing


My newest obsession is a bit of a throwback. The walk and talks, the policy talk, the dilemmas of a presidential administration, and the quick witted humor all make this show a classic. I have not completed the series, but I am sure I soon will. Follow President Bartlett and his staff’s triumphs, defeats, and decisions on Netflix.

Manitowoc Minute 

Oh my gosh! If you want a fun 3-minute Wisconsin news segment every week this is for you. Wisconsin accents and love for the Packers. Check it out, and keep er movin!


I don’t think I need to say much about this. I love this saga. I love Star Wars. Watch every episode. Yes, all of them. (Personally, my favorite is Empire Strikes Back.) Watch the trailer. Get hyped. Go see the movie starting Friday!

Hammerings of the Human Heart


Well folks, Brother Father Kevin (my brother who is indeed a Catholic priest) started his very own blog! And boy, oh boy, will you want to check it out. It is his collection of  thoughts on beauty, being, life, literature, music, and the meaning of life. His first post talks about Fyodor Dostoevsky’s quote “Beauty can save the world.” His blog includes things like movie and book reviews, homilies, podcasts, thoughts on art/beauty, as well as prayer and scripture. I encourage you to check out Father Kevin’s blog

Michael Buble Christmas

It’s that time of year. The silky smooth voice of Michael Buble singing Christmas music. It doesn’t get much better than that. Turn it on and enjoy!

Late Night with Seth Meyers

Seth Meyers has quickly become one of my favorite comedians, political or otherwise. His comedy is always relevant, silly, and hilarious. His show includes Weekend Update style monologues, desk segments including A Closer Look and The Check In,  as well as other ridiculous segments like Ya Burnt, Press Briefings, and Bad Sponsors. Enjoy a sample of recent segments!

Politico, Politico Playbook Audio Briefing and Politico Money


Politico is one of my favorite sources for all things politics. Politico is a nonpartisan news source that focuses on the intersection of policy and politics (both passions of mine.) Politico puts out a magazine and has quality journalism on However, they also do a daily 3-5 minute Politico Playbook Audio Briefing podcast to give you a run down for the day. Ben White of Politico also recently started the Politico Money podcast to help break down the happenings of things like the stock market, tax reform, fiscal and monetary policies, and more in simpler every day terms.

Thor: Ragnarok and the rest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)


This weekend, Marvel Studios is set to release yet another superhero movie. And, I am still as excited for Thor: Ragnarok as I was for Iron Man when in premiered in 2008. We are currently in Phase 3 of the MCU and some people may think, “Ho-hum…another superhero movie.” However, if you don’t feel that little kid excitement of watching your childhood superheros kick butt during a movie, you are watching movies wrong. Enjoy the spectacle, appreciate the jokes, and just enjoy that little kid leaping for joy when the superhero does something ridiculously cool. And go check out Thor: Ragnarok!



Whether you consider yourself a history student or you were the student who slept through history class, this podcast is for you. In a lead up to last year’s Presidential election, Washington Post reporter Lillian Cunningham decided to make a podcast for every president, starting with George Washington and ending with then President Obama. These podcasts highlight each president based on their personality, upbringing, and experiences and how those impacted their presidency.

Parks and Rec


Last week, I recommended my first movie and this week you get my first TV show. Parks and Recreation is my favorite show of all-time. By a long-shot. In mockumentary style like The Office, Parks and Rec has some incredible one-liners, unforgettable characters, and many lessons for the audience to learn. Whether telling us to “Catch Your Dream” or “Treat Yo’ Self,” Parks and Rec is always good for a smile, a laugh, and a feel-good moment. Check it out on Netflix!

The Princess Bride


One of my favorite movies, The Princess Bride, came out a just over 30 years ago on September 25, 1987. This is a story that knows and appreciates the “story-ness” of itself. It will make you laugh, it will make you cheer, and it will make you say “gross is this a kissing movie?” An absolute classic with one of the most oft-quoted scripts Princess Bride is a must for your movie list.

Calvin and Hobbes 


My favorite comic strip of all time is Calvin and Hobbes. Bill Watterson’s story of a young boy and his stuffed tiger will certainly make you laugh, but it will also might make you think, reflect, or cry. With alter egos like Stupendous Man and Spaceman Spiff, along with inventions of things like Calvinball and the Transmorgifier, there is always a new adventure for Calvin and Hobbes.

Intelligence Squared

ituneslogo2What is it? A non-partisan, non-profit organization, Intelligence Squared U.S. addresses a fundamental problem in America: the extreme polarization of our nation and our politics.

What’s their mission? Our mission is to restore critical thinking, facts, reason, and civility to American public discourse.

The objective is to give you a well-rounded perspective of the issue, and then make your conclusions from there. The audience in the debates actually vote for their stance on the topic before and after the debate. These podcasts (or videos depending on which you prefer) are fascinating and help give a more full understanding of different topics. Happy learning!




Do you ever watch movie that you absolutely love? Do you wonder why you love it so much? Do you try to describe parts of the movie to a friend and they just don’t understand why it’s so great? Do you wish there was more optimism in the world? Then this YouTube channel is for you.

One of my absolute favorite YouTube channels, this channel creates videos entitled “Everything Great About ____________.”  The channel rewards “wins” for things like a film’s music, hilarious moments, teamwork, saving your friends, and those moments that are so cool you can only say “Yup!”

These videos are enjoyable, entertaining, and engaging. I look forward to checking out the newest videos when they come out at the end of the work week.



 NPR Podcasts

I will stick on my recommendations for reliable news sources for another week. I love podcasts (as evidenced by September 7th Fr. Mike inspiration) and find the NPR has many quality podcasts. Three that I listen to regularly: 1) Up First gives you a rundown of the daily news in 10 minutes every weekday morning. 2) NPR Politics is 20-40 minutes a published twice a week doing more deep dives and analysis into the news, politics, and policy that week. 3) Planet Money is a 20-30 minute podcast billed as what you would learn if you asked a friend to “Meet me at the bar and tell me what’s going on with the economy.” NPR may not sound the most riveting, but they produce informative, entertaining, and insightful podcasts.



AllSides is a great news website which helps fight media bias. Their mission is to “free people from the filter bubbles so they can better understand the world and each other.” The site provides news from multiple ends of the spectrum. Their tagline of “Don’t be fooled by bias. Think for yourself. See news and issues from multiple perspectives, discuss like adults” sums up their goals. No matter which way you lean on the political spectrum, this site well help you see how headlines can be distorted based on the media bias. It will also help you to find some more central and credible sources.